Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of coffee do you roast?

A rotating selection of single-origin coffees, roasted to a level appropriate for each individual coffee. This rotating single-origin model means that the flavor profiles shift from week to week–from a darker/earthier Indonesian coffee one week to a lighter/fruitier Ethiopian coffee the next week (for example). This keeps our tastebuds on their toes and allows us to learn a little bit more about the coffee in our cups every week!

All the coffees we roast are sourced by importers that pride themselves on paying premium prices to farmers for the highest quality coffees in coffee producing regions all over the world. They have direct relationships with processing stations and farmers and believe that the premium prices they pay creates a virtuous cycle that simultaneously helps smaller producers survive while incentivizing the production of higher quality coffees.

Where and when do you deliver?

Free bike delivery is included for subscribers in south Oak Park (Austin to Harlem, Roosevelt to Madison) and a couple of the northernmost blocks of Berwny. Porch pickup is available for subscribers that live outside of our current delivery radius. We do not currently ship coffee.

Subscriptions include four Friday deliveries per month. Deliveries are occasionally bumped to Saturday when the weather is rough enough to make bike deliveries unsafe or truly uncomfortable!

If there's a fifth Friday in a month, we take that week off. In 2025, the following months include five Fridays: January, May, August, and October.

Can I order ground coffee?

Sorry, we currently only offer whole bean coffee. Email us for grinder recommendations. :)

Do you ship coffee?

Sorry, we do not currently ship coffee.

Are your bags compostable?

Yes! Please tear off the tin tie before adding them to your municipal compost bin.